Java source code management.

  • Purpose:  to ensure that Java development work carried out on workstations is backed up to the servers, as a precaution against loss and to ensure that the unfinished work of one Java developer can readily be accessed (whether for reference or for completion) by any other Java developer in his/her absence.

  • Who:  each developer is responsible for performing his/her own backup. It is the responsibility of the team leader and the project manager to verify that this has been done, by reference to the log file, and to take action in the case of default.

  • How:  this is achieved by storing Java work-in-progress in uniform locations both on workstations and on the server, and ensuring that work-in-progress is backed up at least daily.


  • Developers maintain copies of their source code on their local hard drives in the directory C:\JavaSource (for example: package com.fitltd.lifefit will reside in the directory C:\JavaSource\com\fitltd\lifefit).

  • The directory C:\JavaSource should be shared on the network with share name JavaSource and read-only access allowed for all users belonging to the network user group "Delphi developers".

  • The class files should be created in a different directory (of developer's choice) - on JBuilder3 it is parameter "Root Directories - Output" on the project properties screen.

                    JavaBackup <source_path> <target_path> 

  • Each time the program runs it writes an entry to a log file on who and when it was run.  The utility copies only modified files, and will run faster when run for the second time.  At this moment it backs-up only JAVA and JSP files.

  • The team leader and project manager are responsible for monitoring that this procedure is observed.